31 decembrie 2012

LaMultiAni si HappyNewYear 2013!


2012 a fost un an plin, intens, binecuvantat, revelator pentru mine. L-am cunoscut si l-am trait exact asa cum trebuia sa-l cunosc si sa-l traiesc. Iti multumesc 2012 pentru toate lectiile invatate eu cu mine si eu cu ceilalti. A fost minunat!

Pentru ca am avut parte de schimbari si transformari tot mai concrete in ultimii doi - trei ani, pentru ca si eu, ca si voi, apreciez si iubesc evolutia spiritului uman, m-am hotarat acum, la inceput de 2013 sa fac din acest blog un jurnal de cuvinte si imagini, iar brosele din ceramica si orice alte mesteriri pe meleaguri ceramice voi mai face, vor fi un dar pentru voi :-)

Orice ar aduce viitorul, va fi minunat si va fi primit cu drag!

Bun venit 2013!

sursa foto: weheartit.com

17 iulie 2012

Everywhere I go I meet beautiful people

I took a little trip to the mountains with some friends and  I got really energized! The people that I met there inspired me to make and paint some very happy brooches.
Here are some of them:

And while designing my brooches and enjoying the beautiful and impressive view that Mother Nature has to offer, I made a new sweet friend, who told me about a band called Les Poissons Voyageurs and here's one of their songs:

12 mai 2012

have a lovely spring weekend!

The Little Prince of my heart

"Good morning," said the little prince.

"Good morning," said the flower.

"Where are the people?" the little prince inquired politely.

The flower had one day seen a caravan passing.

"People? there are six or seven of them, I believe, in existence. I caught sight of them years ago. But you never know where to find them. The wind blows them away. They have no roots, which hampers them a good deal."

"Goodbye," said the little prince.

"Goodbye," said the flower. 

Original photo here:

I had the pleasure of designing and painting a beautiful Little Prince brooch for a lovely lady.

She made my day by asking me to paint a scene from one of my favourite books of all times!

All grown-ups were children first. (But few remember it). 

lovely pastels

my new found inspiration :-)

source: google

02 mai 2012

✿ My beautiful Life Plan ✿

I am putting it all out there in the Universe 

Golden Eye Hotel - St. Mary, Jamaica

Pangong Tso Lake in the Himalayas

Pongua Falls, Vietnam

Soneva Fushi, Maldives

Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island, Hong Kong

Awa’awapuhi Trail Kauai, Hawaii

Bern, Switzerland

Four Seasons Hotel - Bora Bora

Fernando De Noronha - Brazil

Plitvice Lakes – Croatia

4 Hands  - Etretat, France

The Gardens at Marqueyssac

Myrtos Beach, Kefalonia - Greece

Seljalandsfoss Waterfall on the South Coast of Iceland

Benteng Chittorgarh, India

Marble Caves, Chile Chico, Chile

Norway Alesund Birdseye of City

Positano, Amalfi Coast, Italy

Ben Bulben at County Sligo, Ireland

Rice Field Terraces in Yunnan, China

Alentejo, Portugal

Rocky Village, Vernazza, Italy

New York City

Mount Roraima - Venezuela

And a lot more to come ^_^

Peace and Love